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Ve VAŠEM prostoru redakce Totemu nezodpovídá za obsah jednotlivých příspěvků.
Hrůza z moci-stejná jako za Hitlera-Celé lidstvo je ohroženo hrstkou zločinných mužů a žen, usazených na pozicích moci ve Washingtonu.
Autor: pako. (Občasný) - smazáno

pako. (Občasný) - 22.12.2014 > By David Stockman

David Stockman's Corner

December 12, 2014

September 15, 2008 is the day that Lehman died and the moment that the world’s central banks led by the Fed went all-in. As it has turned out, that was an epochal leap into the most dangerous monetary deformation that the world has ever known.

It needn’t have been. What was really happening at this pregnant moment was that the remnants of honest capital markets were begging for a purge and liquidation of the speculative rot that had built up during the Greenspan era. But the phony depression scholar running the Fed, Ben Bernanke, would have none of it. So he falsely whooped-up a warning that Great Depression 2.0 was at hand—-sending Washington, Wall Street and the rest of the world into an all-out panic.

The next day’s AIG crisis quickly became ground zero—the place where the entire fraudulent narrative of systemic “contagion” was confected. Yet that needn’t have been, either. In truth, AIG was not the bearer of a mysterious financial contagion that had purportedly arrived on a comet from deep space.

As subsequent history has now proven, AIG’s $800 billion globe spanning balance sheet at the time was perfectly solvent at the subsidiary level. Not a single life insurance contract, P&C cover or retirement annuity anywhere in the world was in jeopardy on the morning of September 16th.


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