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1900 ftejdobe sanekradlo Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 19.10.2020 (00:24:26)
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1900 ftejdobe sanekradlo
5.10. 2020 4:25:24
ftutochvýlusacítim, akobysomfstupoval donovéhostoročja, alefčéra somfkafjarnipočul akodruhábapkárka povedátejprvej:
"mynulýtýšdensmeyšly sfandomdomesta. pryšjelautobus ataksme doňhonastúpyly afandama ašfnútrypovedal:
jasomnalavyčke nehalakabelkusmojouzálohou ajehocelúvejplatou. taksom normálnevystúpyla adošlasyprenich. tobola ynádoba, tosanekradlo."
pretožesomknim sedelchrptom, takybalenvothadujem, žejejmuselobyť najmenej150.
1900 at that time did not steal
at the moment I feel like I'm entering a new century, but yesterday I heard in a cafe how the second grandmother says to the first:
"Last week we went to the city with a fanda. A bus came and so we got on it and the fanda said to me inside:
you left your bags there.
I left a purse on the bench with my deposit and its full paycheck. so I got out normally and came for them. it was a different time, it didn't steal. "
last letters:
since I sat with my back to them, I just guessed she must have been at least 150.