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1904 perfektnesypametámtváre Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 23.10.2020 (00:44:09)
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1904 perfektnesypametámtváre
10.10. 2020 6:36:36
jevomňa celosvetovoznáme, žemamzlúpameť naudalosti, ale atoušmenej, žesyperfektnepametámtváre anajmetjé, ktorésúnamalované napeknýchženách. fčérasombol fkonkurenčnejkafjarni, pretožetámoja malarýmu atamsalúčylydveznáme atáčovotchádzala bolavelmypekná anazáverpovedala:
"vješvonitamvrajmajú peknébundy, aletobychsatam muselaýsťposrjéť..."
sedelsom votfchoda, kdesabavyly ašuposlednéhostolku. holkatedavotchádzala akeťvokolomójhostolku, taksanamňausmývala aja, pretožesyteda perfektnepametám tjétvárepeknýchžjén, takfdomnijenke, žejuposnám, somjej súsmevomtiknul:
"taksa bešpozryjeť!"
aftomsomsposnal, žejuneposnám, aleholkaveselepovedala:
1904 I remember faces perfectly
it is known all over the world that I have a bad memory for events, but less so that I remember perfectly the faces and especially the ones that are painted on pretty women. I was in a competing cafe yesterday, because mine had a cold and two acquaintances said goodbye and the one leaving was very nice and in the end she said:
"You know they're supposed to have nice jackets there, but I'd have to go see it ..."
and said goodbye:
I sat from the entrance, where they had fun until the last table. so the girl was leaving, and when she was around my table, she was smiling at me, and I, because I remember those faces of pretty women perfectly, so I thought I knew her with a smile:
"So go look!"
and in this I perceived that I did not know her, but the girl said cheerfully:
"Well, I'm going!"