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1909 byblyje Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 28.10.2020 (00:53:03)
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1909 byblyje
15.10. 2020 7:24:27
fposlednejdobe, keťsychcemzlepšyťnáladu, posremnadyskúsnu - krytyckúrelácyjuhrmenie fkatofnedivadlasklep. fjeho 8ma50omvydaňju sazaoberalybyblyjou. abysomťa ľachkonalákal, takuvedem, žemacháčkovy naprýklatvadilo, žejefnejveľkémnošstvopostáf avysvalhanáka, abydačo snáhodnejstránkyprečýtal. tomáštedazalystoval aprečýtal:
tehodňa hospodin, taktensatu, musympovedať vyskytuječastejšyje...
aprytem hospodyňa tamnieje anijedna!"
zvyšok spysovaťnebudem, pozrysanawep.
1909 bible
Lately, when I want to improve my mood, I look at a discussion - critical thunder show in the executioner's cellar theater. in its 8th edition they dealt with the Bible. In order to lure you lightly, I will state that the macháček was annoyed by the fact that there were a large number of characters in it, and he invited Hanák to read something from a random page. So Thomas leafed through and read:
that day of pubs, so the one here, I must say occurs more often ...
and yet there is not a single housekeeper! "
jirka told him ...
I will not write the rest, look on the web.