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1959 našemylérómske spolucygánky Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 17.12.2020 (00:17:56)
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1959 našemylérómske spolucygánky
4.12. 2020 5:28:25
špryntovalsomposchodoch nabýrovačkusapendyxom. úplnehore sedelydveslečny adruhásrofnapovedala:
"...avydelastam tjécygánky?"
"prepáčteslečna, myslýtenašemylé rómskespoluvopčanky?
ňjé, myslymcygánky!!!"
pretožesom malnaspech, taksomsaroslúčyl aďalejtonekomentoval - ajkeby ystebyšlo...
1959 our dear Roma gypsies together
I sprinted up the stairs to the bulldog with the apendyx. two girls sat at the very top, and the other just said,
"... and did you see those gypsies there?"
so i said:
"Excuse me, miss, do you mean our dear Roma fellow citizens?
no, I mean gypsies !!!"
because I was in a hurry, I said goodbye and didn't comment on it further - even if it would definitely work...