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1969 premjetacijedeň Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 27.12.2020 (00:35:56)
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1969 premjetacijedeň
14.12. 2020 9:55:59
dnespretebamam takúľahkúkvýzovačku - malsomtotišfčérapromýtačku anevytáholpaty, špyčky anicelénohysdomu. malsomtedataksvaný premjetacijedeň. uškraňajkámsom zahorelkmojejpanenke, votrelsakvetrelcovy, podalmarečkovypero apypynedlhúpunčošku. potemsomsy cestoudopraveku yšjelzalyžačkovať sandelomnahory, upozornilsom pacyjentounavyzytu, zostárolnachmelovejbrygáde, vóbecsom tamaleneposnalhadimršku atoešte nadomnoucelúdobu podjesefčýskálou poletovalmotýlyk ajasomzasepreletel natkukučímhniesdom.
kvečeru, keďsomsavracal sdobrýmaholubama, taksomsastal štvrtýmveteránom, aleušsomto ďalejnevydržal azaspalsom.
1969 screening day
I have such an easy quiz for you today - I had a projector yesterday and didn't pull my heels, toes or whole legs out of the house. so I had a so-called screening day. already at breakfast I burned myself with my doll, rubbed myself to the intruder, handed the marigold a pen and pipin a long stocking. then on the way to prehistoric times I went skiing with an angel on the mountains, I alerted the patients to the visit, grew old on the hop brigade, but I did not guess the hadimršek at all and it still flew over me all the time under the badger rock and I flew over the cuckoo's nest again .
in the evening, when I was returning with good pigeons, I became the fourth veteran, but I couldn't stand it anymore and I fell asleep.