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1763 nesehnaly éčko Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 3.8.2020 (05:00:00)
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1763 nesehnaly éčko
18.5. 2020 5:55:56
ten, ktoréhonemóžem menovať, abysomhonemenoval, mafčérapovedal:
"fčérasomsyurobyl peknývečer. bolsomfpabe akeťušsom malnakúpené, yšjélsomdomou astretolslečnu. vopýtalasama:
apretožesom malnaozaj nakúpenédosť, povedalsom:
dobre, alepotrebujeméčko. keťmahokúpyš, urobýmti eldorádo."
taksombolnatešený, čofšetkébudeme spoludokopyvyvádzať aholkasy ďalejporučovala:
večeru, bejlýs, cigára... fšetkosomjejkúpyl apaktedasháňala eštetenfet. stálevolala dajakýmdýlerkám čidýlerom, aleničnesehnala. taksomsajejvopýtal:
takčoteda budemerobyť?
no, jasypójdemlahnúť atypójdešdomou.
1763 they did not get a check
the one I can't name so as not to name him said to me yesterday:
"I had a nice evening yesterday. I was at the board and when I had already bought, I went home and met a young lady. She asked me:
don't you want a girl
and because I had really bought enough, I said:
Okay, but I need a check. if you buy it for me, I will make you eldorado. "
so I was excited about what we would do together, and the girl continued to command:
dinner, baylis, cigar ... I bought her everything and then she was looking for the fet. she kept calling some dealers, but she didn't find anything. so I asked her:
so what are we going to do?
and she answered:
Well, I'm going to lie down and you're going home.
and she fired me."