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1889 zasasy peknepokecaly
Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 8.10.2020 (00:22:52)
1889 zasasy peknepokecaly
25.9. 2020 4:52:54
sedelsomfčerafkafjarni. otvedľajšjehostolýka sompočul dyjalógyjudvoch asytak 80letýchbabyčjek. jednadačo potichurosprávala, čosom tedanepočul adruhá jejnatopovedala:

"jaj, touš symyrosprávala."

takzasa prvániečo azasapotichu, čosomteda zasanepočul adruhá jejnato zasapovedala:

"touš symytiešrosprávala."

taktosatochvýľu stáledokolavokapovalo, alepotem nastalazmena:

prvázasadačo azasapotichu, čosomtedazasanepočul adruhá jejnatopovedala:

"tosomtiale rosprávalaja!!!"

apretožeftuchvýlu ušmalykafydopyté, tortysjedené atofšetko ajzacvaknuté, taktozakončyly:

"tosmesy peknepokecaly, takzasazajtra odesiatej, hej?

hej, ydeme."

1889 they talked nicely again
I was sitting in a cafe yesterday. from the side table I heard a dialogue between two grandmothers about 80 years old. one of them spoke quietly, which I did not hear, and the other told her:

"Yeah, you've already told me that."

so the first something again and again quietly, which I did not hear again, and the second then said to her again:

"You've already told me that, too."

this was repeated over and over for a while, but then there was a change:

the first again something quiet and again quietly, which I did not hear again, and the second said to her:

"But that's what I told you !!!"

and because at that moment they had already drunk coffee, the cakes eaten and all paid for, so they ended:

"We had a nice chat, so tomorrow at ten, right?

Yes, let's go."

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