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1917 klasyckýdyjalógyja Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 5.11.2020 (05:36:51)
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1917 klasyckýdyjalógyja
23.10. 2020 7:08:07
eštežesauroryvystrelyly ušfseptembry (afzátvorkachmam podľaznámejbajky):
fkrajyne kdezajtra, znamená ušfčera
ynáčbysomneskamusel, kulvačýsluklasy, spýsaťdačovotých pejoratýfnychbolševykoch, čomabavý nije. takračejyspýšem klasyckúdyjalógyju pomedzyženou atýmdruhým, ktorúsompočul, keťsomsafčérazasa šjélvyškrabať špryntomnadúbrafku, takasazasapretkubalom unaštartovanéhovoza hovorylyhorevymenovaný avonjejpovedá:
"prosýmťavješ, čojetamroboty?
aprečosyjuneurobyl ušdáfno?
dnesnehám ybalentak, bespepýčka.
1917 classical dialogue
they were fired from the aurora already in September (and in Brackets I have according to a well-known fable):
in a country where tomorrow means yesterday
otherwise I would have to write something like this today, because of the number of ears
about those pejorative Bolsheviks I don't like. so I'd rather write a classic dialogue between a woman and the other one, which I heard when I went to scratch the doubravka yesterday again, so they said the above-mentioned in front of kubal at the started car and he tells her:
"Please do you know what work is there?
and why didn't you do it a long time ago?
and for what? "
last letters: