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1919 tak, čomyslyš? Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 7.11.2020 (00:49:41)
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1919 tak, čomyslyš?
25.10. 2020 8:31:38
rjéšym takédvaproblémky atakterastedafrámcyklasy budútakémalé, alenaozajveľmydvóležyté úvahovačky. atosycetjéto - rosmýšlam, čymamspýsať:
zaprvé aza á) tamuš semy ýsťchcyjéťnebude
aleboza bé) tamuš semy chcyjéťýsťnebude
aleboešte zacé) tamuš semynebude chcyjéťýsť
ašlobyaj zadé) nebudesemy tamuš chcyjéťýsť
aeštebyajšlo zaé) chcyjéťýsť nebudesemy tamuš
azaf) eštebyajšlo chcyjéťýsť tamuš nebudesemy
aeštebyurčite ajšlodačozadačoďjalšyje...
aeštetedatádruhá stýmsúvysejúcéproblémovačka:
malsomho poslaťdozadele alebojej ftamaprjamokopnúť?
1919 so, what do you think?
I am solving two such problems, so now there will be such small but really important considerations in the short story. namely this - I'm wondering if I should write:
firstly and for á) I will not want to go there anymore
or bé) I won't want to go there anymore
or for whatever) I won't want to go there anymore
and it would go well for) I will no longer want to go there
and it would still be possible for me to want to go, I won't be there anymore
and for f) I would still want to go there will no longer be me
and it would definitely go for another ...
and thus the second related problem:
should I have sent him to shit or kicked him right there?