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1941 nejasnévotpovede Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 29.11.2020 (00:05:42)
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1941 nejasnévotpovede
16.11. 2020 5:24:25
páčysamy vedeckologystyckáveta pánaexpertapačesa, kdefčéranatému ovýrusovychúnikof fprostoru x povedal:
"mymusýmebyť vopatrníftomakomať tiešjasnévotpovede - takmyproste tjéjasnévotpovedenemáme, takjelapšyje sypovedať, žejejasnénemáme, pretožeproste jenemámejasné."
1941 unclear answers
I like the scientifically logical sentence of the expert Mr. Pačes, where yesterday he said on the topic of virus leaks in space x:
"We have to be careful how we also have clear answers - so we just don't have those clear answers, so it's better to say we don't have them clear, because we just don't have them clear."