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1963 neduhystaroby Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 21.12.2020 (00:47:10)
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1963 neduhystaroby
8.12. 2020 10:44:01
laďasmoljakfsemynáru hryslyukapovedal:
"kneduhomstaroby, postihujúcym hlafneyntelektuálou, patrýnajme dvevady, komplementárnespojené:
jetoneschopnosť udržaťmyšlienku adruhávada - neschopnosť myšlienkuvopustiť."
1963 ailments of old age
laďa smoljak said in the seminar of the game plum:
"The ills of antiquity, which mainly affect intellectuals, include two defects, complementary:
it is the inability to keep the idea and the second flaw - the inability to leave the idea."