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1968 bešymnarezať! Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 26.12.2020 (00:29:44)
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1968 bešymnarezať!
13.12. 2020 10:55:01
bolysmenavoslave uujajyndry avonrosprával vodajakomsvojomznámom, ktorýsaporosvodu zosobášyl srosvedenú, ktorámala tiešakoajvon detísprvéhofsťahu. aževonvraj jednoupovedal tejsvojejnovejžene:
"pozeraj, mojedeti atvojedeti byjúnašedeti!"
eštenešsa moholniekto začaťsmať, taksomto rýchlodopovedel:
"... bešýmnarezať!"
1968 go cut them!
we were at a party at Uncle Jindra's and he was talking about a dajak to his acquaintances, who after the divorce married a divorced woman who also had children from the first relationship. and that he once said to his new wife:
"Look, my children and your children are beating our children!"
before anyone could start laughing, I quickly said:
"... go cut them!"