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1980 teť, dyšvyhrávam?! Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 7.1.2021 (00:41:01)
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1980 teť, dyšvyhrávam?!
25.12. 2020 9:09:09
fmanéžypovedala luckabýlá tentofór:
"stojýpolycysta uautomatuskávou, fhodímyncu, vypadnemutákáva avonsyjudáhore. tamušjychmá asy15. dójdepani apovedá:
"prosýmvas, nezloptesa, jasa docelaponáhľam, móžetema nachvýlupustiť? jasyvesmemkafe apotemzasa móžetepokračovať..."
"teť, dyšvyhrávam?!"
1980 now that I win?!
in the arena said lucka white this joke:
"The policeman is standing by the coffee machine, he throws in a coin, the coffee falls out and he puts it up. There are already about 15 of them. The lady comes and says:
"Please don't be angry, I'm in a hurry, can you let me go for a moment? I'll have some coffee and then you can go on again ..."
and out he answered her,
"Now that I win?!"