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2002 čotunásadíš? Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 29.1.2021 (00:34:28)
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2002 čotunásedíš?
16.1. 2021 12:55:21
arnoštgoldflamrosprával, žekedysyniekde bydlelysbolkemnahotely atyženy, akohovopdivovaly, takjednasnich bolatakákrásna, naozajakovystryžená, takámulatka anarósa samenovala, takájunónskápostava, krásna, vysoká ftakejmekkejkožy, ftakejkombynéze asedelanadákejmotorkezakašdým, akoftýchčasopysoch, fšichnisnejboly úplnepaf, akosapovedá. noavonanavštevovalabolka natejnašejysbe. tamsyvykládaly atakďalej. ajasom, abymalykljut, taksom muselkašdýdeň doštyrdorána trávyťftakom nočnomklube, tomusapovedalo fabryka - továrna atamsom muselrosprávať slydma apočúvaťhutbu avoumeníhovoryť ajasomtakchtelspať!! taksompovedal:
bolku, jaušnemóžem, jasajednou musýmvyspať!
ropsy, čochceš, alekonijec. dnesproste prychádzam vo12hodín nahotel ažádam, abybola ysbavotvorená achcemsa uložyť dosvejpostijeľky. taksom svojýmcharakterystyckym rásnymkrokom došjél pretysbuvoblúčikom, vesmemzaklyku azavreté! jasomsypovedal:
taktynemóžeš anikamarátovy jednouvyhovjet, totinedarujem! sadolsomsy napret taklevedľadverý abušylsomdonich napretfpravydelnomrytme, potemfnepravydelnom. naprýklat:
tfffu t tfffu tfffu
alebo sombubnoval, somsyvymýšlal rósnerytmy. pakušsomnemohol, taksomsa voprelvotjédvere abušylsomhlavú, potemrukamy. noskrátkablýžylasa štvrtáhodina anajednousbadám - bolek prychádzachodbou protimne sklubufabryka apovedá:
čotunásedíš? prečosysnezobral narecepcyjykljúče?
2002 what are you sitting here?
arnošt goldflam said that they used to live somewhere with a pain in a hotel and those women, as they admired him, so one of them was so beautiful, really cut out, such a mulatto anna róza was called, such a junior figure, beautiful, tall in such a soft skin , in such a jumpsuit and sat on a motorcycle every time, as in those magazines, all of her were completely paf, as they say. well, she was visiting a pain in our room. they interpreted there and so on. and I was to have peace, so I had to spend every day until four in the morning in such a nightclub, it was called a factory - a factory and there I had to talk to people and listen to music and talk about art and I wanted to sleep !! so i said:
bolku, I can't anymore, I have to sleep one day!
do what you want, but the end. today I just arrive at the hotel at 12 noon and ask that the room be open and I want to put myself in my crib. so, with my characteristic forceful step, I walked in front of the room with a bend, I took the handle and closed! I said to myself:
so you can't even satisfy a friend once, they don't give it to you! I sat down next to the door like this and pounded on it first in a regular rhythm, then in an irregular way. for example:
tfffu t tfffu tfffu
or I was drumming, I was making up different rhythms. then I couldn't, so I leaned against that door and pounded my head, sweating with my hands. but in short, the fourth hour was approaching and suddenly I noticed - the bolek comes down the hall against me from the factory club and says:
what are you sitting here? why didn't you get the keys at the reception?