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Rubrika | Dne | Autor | Název příspěvku | Pozná- mek | Zobra- zeno | Doporu- čeno | | Próza: | 20.3.2011
| inish
| Hi-hat >> Hi-hat
She entered the basement. Her first audition. Surely she could play in that band?
The man waited inside. Skipping formalities, he said: “Listen to this.” He rapped on one of the drums. “Now. I will open the hi-hat cymbals. You will stick your head in. Then take it out with the next note. Stick it in with one after that. And so on. Follow the beat I showed you. For your own sake, I’d recommend you not to be late.”
In. Out. In. Out. Oops! Her head cracked. ‘She wouldn’t have made it anyway,’ he murmured to himself. “Next!”
| p2 | z1151× | | | Překlady: | 19.3.2011
| inish
| Otviraci cinely >> Otviraci cinely
Pozvali ji do zkusebny ve sklepe. Chlapik uz tam cekal. Nezdrzoval se formalitami, rovnou ji rekl: “Poslechni si tohle,” a zabubnoval prsty na jeden tympan. “Ted otevru pedalem cinely. Ty mezi ne strcis hlavu. Pak ji na dalsi takt vytahnes, na treti ji tam strcis znovu, atakdal. Musis to delat presne podle rytmu, je to pro tvoje dobro. Musis tu hlavicku vzdycky vytahnout nez to zas zaklapnu.”
Dovnitr. Ven. Dovnitr. Ven. Sakra! Hlava ji lupla. “Stejne by se nam holcina nehodila,” rekl si chlapik pro sebe. “Dalsi!”
| p2 | z1484× | |